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· We Will Write a Custom Essay about Cell Phones and Driving Essay For You For Only $/page! order now. These new technologies often have people regularly engaged in multitasking activities behind the blogger.comunately, these distractions come at a cost of diverting attention away from the primary task of driving · Phone usage distracts the employee from attending to the customers, leading to customer complaints and then getting fired from the work area. In some cases workers operate motor vehicles as an occupation, such as a wheeler trailer. Distracted driving is prohibited because it is not safe Cell Phones and Driving Distracted Driving Vehicle Driving Active Voice Technology: Comfortable and Dangerous words | 2 Pages As technology continues to advance and improve, it is also heavily influencing the daily habits and behaviors of many people. Smartphones and vehicles are integrated with hands-free options and voice controls

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· The first essay is a long essay on the Cell Phone use while Driving of words. This long essay about Cell Phone use while Driving is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. The second essay is a short essay on Cell Phone use while Driving of blogger.comted Reading Time: 4 mins · Phone usage distracts the employee from attending to the customers, leading to customer complaints and then getting fired from the work area. In some cases workers operate motor vehicles as an occupation, such as a wheeler trailer. Distracted driving is prohibited because it is not safe Cell phone use and driving has been a highly discussed topic in the past ten years. While cell phone use is almost unanimous, the danger of being distracted while driving has lead many states to ban the use of hand held cell phones while in the car. Passing laws that require hands free devices such as blue tooth to keep your attention on the road
Undesired Situation by Using Cell phones during Driving
Cell phone use and driving has been a highly discussed topic in the past ten years. While cell phone use is almost unanimous, the danger of being distracted while driving has lead many states to ban the use of hand held cell phones while in the car. Passing laws that require hands free devices such as blue tooth to keep your attention on the road · If you must use a phone while driving, you should always use a hands-free kit, or better yet, just concentrate on driving, and save yourself the distraction and risk. Hook & Thesis: Alarmingly, over 42 percent of smartphone users decide that it’s okay to use their phones while driving, according to research by Deloitte in · The first essay is a long essay on the Cell Phone use while Driving of words. This long essay about Cell Phone use while Driving is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. The second essay is a short essay on Cell Phone use while Driving of blogger.comted Reading Time: 4 mins
Increased Chances of Fatal Accidents
· The first essay is a long essay on the Cell Phone use while Driving of words. This long essay about Cell Phone use while Driving is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. The second essay is a short essay on Cell Phone use while Driving of blogger.comted Reading Time: 4 mins · Phone usage distracts the employee from attending to the customers, leading to customer complaints and then getting fired from the work area. In some cases workers operate motor vehicles as an occupation, such as a wheeler trailer. Distracted driving is prohibited because it is not safe This literature confirms the dangerous status of cell phone use while driving, as it is evident that cell phone conversations are more dangerous than those with a passenger. Other considerations add onto the distractions. As not all drivers use hands-free capabilities while speaking on the road, this incurs a level of danger

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Cell phone use and driving has been a highly discussed topic in the past ten years. While cell phone use is almost unanimous, the danger of being distracted while driving has lead many states to ban the use of hand held cell phones while in the car. Passing laws that require hands free devices such as blue tooth to keep your attention on the road · Phone usage distracts the employee from attending to the customers, leading to customer complaints and then getting fired from the work area. In some cases workers operate motor vehicles as an occupation, such as a wheeler trailer. Distracted driving is prohibited because it is not safe This paper discusses why cell phones are so dangerous by looking at a variety of accidents and injuries caused by cell phones. The author argues for the necessity of national legislation banning hand held cell phones while driving. Includes an a persuasive discussion of the way that advanced technology and communication has affected blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins
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